Soul Transformation:

Tao Hands Blessings and Soul Readings

Tao Hands Blessings and Soul Readings enable powerful transformations in any aspect of life, including physical ailments, finances, businesses and relationships.

Fiona Haasz

Tao Hands Practitioner

Spiritual healing has been the most useful tool in my toolkit for me personally over the last decade. I have overcome many setbacks within the time I began my spiritual healing journey and always found the spiritual healing tools carry me through any rough seas and take me back to shore. In my experience as a practitioner of multiple spiritual healing modalities, Tao Hands blessings and spiritual practices are the most powerful, lasting , safe, practical and effective of them all.


“The mind is a powerful servant… very poor master… because the Soul is the Master.” Mirva Inkeri

Soul Readings

Fiona is a qualified Tao Soul Communicator, via the Tao Academy, trained by Dr & Master Sha’s leading teachers.

In a soul reading, Fiona can share with you a message, about a topic of your choice, from the Divine or a Saint.

A testimonial:

“Hey Fiona! Just wanted to share how great the session was with you last week! I feel very connected to self and purpose and guided and supported. I felt you did speak directly to my soul and I got so much confirmation and clarity about my questions and inner knowing. It’s set me on a path to confidence and maturity towards my overall contribution to this world knowing I do have purpose and are making a difference. It touched me in a way I haven’t felt before very directly to me and me only! Thank you so much”

What does a Tao Hands session look like?

A Tao Hands blessing does not involve physical contact - it is a remote healing which works by healing the Soul first, which then filters down to the heart, mind and body, affecting all layers. Sometimes immediate change may be noticed and other times it emerges over a period of time after receiving.

Toa Hands Blessing Duration

Tao Hands blessing consultations are for 30 minutes.

Toa Hands Blessing Location

Tao Hands blessings are offered over the phone, zoom, or in person at our Frankston office, or at your home or another location (beach/park).

Bookings and Enquiries

Click the ‘Contact’ page to get in touch to make a booking or to find out more.

Introduction to Tao Healing Hands with David Lusch

“Fi.  I cannot tell you how much better I feel since you did the tao hands.  It shifted so much pain and regulated my nervous system.  A deep gratitude to you.  THANK YOU 🙏🏻 Subtle but immediate changes.”

— Tao Hands client