Other products.

  • Zazen Alkaline Water System

    Zazen water systems are marvellous. In my experience they purify and replenish the water like no other system and the company have integrity. More information about their systems can be found on their website. Or to find out the amazing discounts you can get here, get in touch with Fiona (go to contact page or click the link below).

  • Roll Ons

    In a base of Fractionated coconut oil, these rolls ons are infused with Australian Bush Flower Essence blends and Doterra essential oil blends. More information to come.

  • "Value" handmade ceramic earrings

    Whilst in the Tarkine, in Tasmania, I meditated on the ‘value’ of the old rainforest - as more than what is termed a ‘resource’. The making of ‘coin’ like beads in clay, while chanting and meditating, followed. After firing, they are painted in high quality gold paint. Like the forest, our value is much more than what we ‘produce’. As we put on these earrings, the invitations is to state ‘I value myself’.