Dance Movement Therapy

Empowering your child, giving your child hope and expression and letting them be the best they can be.

At Lionsa, we engage through Dance Movement Therapy with the mind, body and spirit of the child.

What is Dance Movement Therapy?

Essentially Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) is an experience in which the mover/client, will be invited to express themselves through their bodies, whilst being held (emotionally and spiritually) by the therapist, in a predominantly non-verbal way.

Like all therapies, the nuances of each practitioner will shape the delivery, just as the nuances of each client will guide the experience between clients and therapist.

A DMT practitioner is able to elicit a greater scope of movement, an opening of the heart and a place for self expression and a experience of joy.

Client-centred and Play-based

The process is client-centred and play-based, essentially providing your child with freedom to be themselves whilst reaching beyond their everyday experiences. For some children who experience a disability, DMT can empower them to recognise themselves in a non-verbal, play-based way, giving them hope and a release from the mundane.

Physical and also beyond the physical

DMT can also help a child with their flexibility, scope of movement, mobility and coordination, in a fun kind of way, stimulating movement in the child using play and props, which create through these sensory experiences a real sense of delight. Also, in holding space for a child with disabilities, other ways to move and express and feel they are capable (where in other areas of life they might not feel capable), opens them up to feeling more hopeful.

How are we different?

At Lionsa, DMT is delivered by therapists who are also experienced and qualified in Soul or Spiritual healing modalities, which adds a layer of capacity, to ‘hold space’ for all levels of the client’s being, including the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Being ‘held’ in a space that is safe, uplifting, nurturing and expansive, is a core benefit of Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) and can create sense of release, joy and freedom in the mover/client.


With the joy and empowerment your child experiences through gentle, play-based movement challenges, they can often find they can extend themselves beyond what they previously thought they were capable of… allowing for greater scope of feeling, expression, mobility and more.

DMT can empower children with disabilities to recognise themselves in a non-verbal, play-based way.

Individual Sessions or Groups?

We offer 1:1 sessions, but at some stage in the future groups will also become available.

Who are we?

Currently, Fiona Haasz is our only Dance Movement Therapist but we will be hiring at some stage in the future, as we expand.

Fiona Haasz is a not only a Dance Movement Therapist but also a Transpersonal Art Therapist and works with her Tao Healing Hands and other training, to work with people of all ages, on many layers, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Her background in the arts and dance (practice and education) also assists in giving her a wealth of expertise to draw upon.

For more information about Fiona, go to the about page and also explore her dance background here.

What type of clients do we specialise in serving?

We specialise in working with young children up to the age of 7, who have developmental delays or conditions which affect their range of mobility and expression. We also work with children up to the age of 12 who are predominantly non-verbal.

In saying that, clients of all ages and abilities are welcome, and we are open to have a chat with you about your/your child’s/your client’s needs.

Where are we based?

24 Fairway Street, Frankston (Victoria, Australia) is the location of our therapy spaces and office but we are currently exploring new local options which are larger, for greater scope of facilitation for our DMT clients.

We are also able to offer online services.

How can I book in?

Please contact our centre manager, Fiona Haasz, to discuss you or your child/client’s needs and to make an appointment for the first session. Phone: 0412 099 397.

Or email: