About Lionsa

My name is Fiona Haasz. You can call me Fe.

My business name, Lionsa, means “Lens” in Scottish Gaelic. I pronounce it like this: Leeonsah.

I chose it because it reminds me of that which I have often, through my life, felt keenly aware of… that our ‘lens’ shapes and colours how we experience ourselves, others and the world around us. Much of our lens is created by our culture, the land we are born into, the family whose genes and cell memories make up our DNA, but also the experiences we have had in this lifetime… and, if you believe in past lives, in those as well.

What kind of ‘lens’ do you see the world through? How much does it change through the day, week, month, year… lifetime? The word leans in to a deeper listening to ourselves, it invites a noticing of that which colours our lens, whether it be a lifelong pattern or a fleeting mood.

In a way, the longer business name might be ‘Lens of the Soul’ for it is through the Soul’s lens that I tend to culminate my creative and therapeutic wanderings, with myself… and clients. My art process too.

At Lionsa, we offer consultations, events, art for sale… and more.

• Art • Tao Blessings • Art Therapy •

gold dress in water.jpg

Combining spiritual practice with creativity draws upon ancient practices, which call to a deeper part of our psyche. The use of guided visualisation and music, as well as a ‘sensing’ in, or leaning in, a listening in, with a peripheral vision, to our Soul, enables great wisdom and nuances to be heard and noticed. Noticing those elements of ourselves or the worlds we inhabit, can facilitate an expansiveness and wholeness, a grounding and a clearer, deeper sense of self.

Consultations are available online, over the phone or in person, at your home, a location in nature (eg. beach) or at our centre, in Frankston.

Workshops and other events will vary, but essentially can be held anywhere!

“I just wanted to say I have found your creative meditation classes, a very loving, supportive and nurturing environment. It has opened up my mind to heaps of creative ideas and adventures that i would not have otherwise experienced. I can honestly say i look forward to my Tuesday evenings. It’s been a class full of fun and lots of laughter too.”

— Creative Meditation workshop participant

About Fe

Around a decade ago, after experiencing many challenges in my personal life, I had a spiritual awakening of sorts…

...I received many great teachings, both in person, and via literature, by exceptional mentors. My art making began flowing in a new direction, revealing angel imagery and powerful metaphors that spoke to this inner world which had opened up to me. I began to realise it was not ‘me’ creating it... the art making was being guided by a force beyond me.

From this emerged my first business, River of Plenty from which I offered a whole range of art therapy and pranic healing based services. After five years I knew I needed to rebalance, and so I took time to focus on my own creative practice again. My re-focus on my creative practice led me to journey outwardly again, to New York, and the Tarkine.

The forest, and my new home by the sea, have reminded me of my need for nature. 

My art practice has been gradually expanding and refining and alongside this, my trusty pranic healing skills continued to support me through obstacles. Yet, I knew I needed a new practice.

It was wonderful to find Tao Hands. It is powerful beyond anything I have experienced before. 

It has helped me to heal very old wounds, transforming faster than ever before. I feel protected and tuned in whilst doing Tao blessings. The integration of calligraphy drawing and tracing, as well as movement and song, enables me to truly feel empowered within this new spiritual practice which I am excited to be sharing with you.

The meandering I’ve been doing over the last decade, has brought me to a place of balance, between the facilitation of growth and creativity in others, and the time and space to develop my own.

The word, ‘meandering’ has also taken on a whole new meaning, as it is set to become a festival in which, my previously coined ‘Art Adventure Tours’, has transformed to become The Meander Festival. Stay tuned for invitations to apply as an artist, or attend a Meander Tour.

My Art Practice

My Art practice is ever changing, multidisciplinary and multi-faceted. I am yet to upload my previous work here, but will do so eventually! My background in the arts, includes postgraduate qualifications in Dance Animateuring at Victorian College of the Arts and undergraduate qualifications in Visual Art from Sydney College of the Arts. Some of the many facets include creating outdoor sculptures for Centennial Park in Sydney, installations, photography, animations, paintings, drawings, monoprints, performance art events, curatorial projects including “Home Truths” in which a dozen or so artists took over a large residential property with installations, sound works and performances…. and more. In the arena of dance and performance, a feature has been study, teaching and performance in African dance (soukous and traditional west African) as well as contact improvisation, physical theatre and more.

Future projects include various movement performance works… one will be a collaboration with Jess Lovell - a fun event at Nature Cafe Bar (see events, home page). Another will be a 3 part series of performances which will boldly reflect upon the experiences the world has undergone since 2020. We are currently seeking expressions of interest to be involved in this project… especially film or video makers.

My Approach as an Arts Therapist

... is firmly guided by the three elements that make up Carl Roger’s approach to Transpersonal therapies:

  • Congruence

  • Empathy

  • Unconditional positive regard

In other words, you, the client, can be exactly as you are, and whatever you bring in each moment... is perfect… 

You get to take the reins of your own transformation, and I’m your trusty guide, cheering you on, understanding where you’re at, reflecting and holding space for your own journey to be safely travelled. 

I believe that ultimately true transformation occurs on a Soul level, and from this place, I intuitively flow in the current of the sessions and trust in the process.