The Opening of the

Dandy Lion Art Cafe

A mini-festival will mark the opening of the Dandy Lion Art Cafe at 24 Fairway Street Frankston.

The kick off will be an Art Opening on the Friday night, highlighting the wonderful basketry artwork made by our Frankston weavers.

Favourite suppliers of goodies will be for sale as the retail part of the shop is launched, offering goodies such as Birdland organic vegetable seeds, Australian Bush Flower Essence products, Zazen water filters, Wise Woman Undies, Lillibella clothing and more.

Experience the art cafe and various other events over the weekend, details TBC.

To close, we’ll be hosting our first kirtan on the Sunday evening.

A date is set. Here it is. Mark it in your diary.

Friday 25th - Sunday 27th

December 2022

Basket Weaving Exhibition and Workshop

Exhibition Opening: Friday