Easter Chant 2023

Easter Chant 2023

We invite you, dear Souls of Mother Earth, to join together this Easter, through chant.

Allow yourself to be immersed in the unconditional love and peace of your Soul's essence, of the Divine's essence and be bathed in love's vibration.

Intentional chanting:

Research points strongly towards the power of intention, especially in groups of 8 or more, to create miracles. 

We wish to inspire you to chant for loved ones, or those requiring some help or healing, or more broadly for peace for humanity, for example.

Two feet:

Just as we walk with two feet, placing one in front of the other, alternating as we move forward, we invite you to alternate your chants, offering one to another soul, and the next, to yourself. We need to balance replenishing oneself longside serving others. Note: you might experience more tangible results if you choose a very specific area to focus on.

How to participate:

If you are a provider of kirtan/chanting/singing:

Please schedule your desired time, location, duration and notify your community, loved ones and friends, inviting them along.

Please click here to register your event, so others may join. Where possible it would be most advantageous if you were able to provide an 'in situ' experience at a venue and simultaneously stream this for others who cannot attend this in person.

If you wish to attend an organised chant/kirtan:

Please see below to find registered events, to find a chanting session near you, or an online event that suits your schedule.


We envisage Easter Chant 2023 to begin at 00:00 Easter Friday and conclude at 24:00 Easter Monday, 2023.

Your event may start and end at any time within these 4 days.

You may choose to offer an event which is 'durational' in nature - i.e. extending longer than normal - in which you may schedule an event in which you take "shifts" with others, somewhat like a relay, in the space you have available.... this could potentially span the entire four days.

Or you may simply offer a once-off event of 3 hours or so. The choice is yours.


This is a non-religious event, but it does not preclude religious groups from participating. 

We especially welcome regular kirtan groups to participate as facilitators and also invite newbies, who wish to offer their voice, should they feel inspired.

You do not have to be a kirtan provider. You could have a collection of other sacred songs you wish to share and invite others to join you in singing.

This is originating in Frankston, Melbourne (via Lionsa) but can extend worldwide if we spread this invitation and it inspires others soon enough to organise themselves. 

The larger the numbers who participate, the greater the rise in vibration, humanity will experience. 


We would love to hear your stories, see your photos and experience your videos of your experiences during the chants and also afterwards. 

What, if any, effects occurred from the chanting, for those you chanted for, and yourself.